A Letter To Our New MSP

Dear John Farquhar,

I write to congratulate you on your re-election to the Scottish Parliament.

SKAT is not a party political organisation; our commitment is to continue to press all politicians for the removal of tolls from the Skye Bridge.

We acknowledge your consistent opposition to the tolls, and in particular your resistance to the last Labour Lib/Dem coalition agreement because of the failure to secure the abolition of the tolls in that agreement.

You were of course right then, and this is even more evident now than it was then.

We have no doubt that your principled position on that, and indeed on other important issues, played a significant part in the strong support you had at the election. Indeed it is good for democracy to see principled politicians being rewarded in these day of the political spin-doctor.

The new Parliament opens up greater opportunities for the LIB/DEMs Labour needs there support much more than they did before, and even with that support the coalition will only have a majority of 2.

In these circumstances the LIB/DEM commitment on the Skye Bridge tolls are very important. We would hope that you would continue your opposition, and that with your strengthened political position, and Charles’s support, your colleagues will see the importance of insisting on the abolition in the new coalition agreement.

The abolition of the Skye Bridge toll would rank as a news item on an international scale, and more significantly would do a great deal for the local people and the local economy

We sincerely hope that your colleagues in the LIB/DEMs can see the importance of this for this constituency.

Le deagh dhùrachd,

Andy Anderson

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Copyright © Ray Shields, 2003.

Most recent revision, 03 June 2003